Monthly Archives: October 2016

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October 15, 2016 | The generosity of many

Generosity. That is what strikes me most about my experiences here at the Zaniyan Wellness Space at Sicangu/Rosebud camp.

A group of school children in Rhode Island made up little paper bags with art on them, most we gave out before I got a photo. Inside each bag was a Water Protector Wellness Kit, with lip balm, calming teas, and herbal salve.

The guy holding the bag, Christopher, came in for tea, got a bag, and asked what we needed. I said, plastic organizer bins and a stove pipe elbow. He drove into Bismarck (over an hour away) bought them, and brought them back tonight.

Angels, helpers, supporters, more than I can name. I have a small herbal product business. I know how little money is made and how much time goes into each product. So many wonderful herbal medicines are sent every day.

A Facebook group of midwives sent a whole canopy full of needed supplies. The list goes on.

Beauty, commitment, courage, resilience, all are here. But generosity from the world sustains us not just in body but in spirit.



October 14, 2016 | Interview with Humans of NoDapl

From Daphne’s interview with Humans of NoDapl:

“One of the things that I am really sensitive about because I am one of the ones that they call the orphans…my heritage is Lakota but I was raised in the white culture, and I have to be really conscious about the place I come from in white privilege. I wasn’t raised on the reservation. I have never been beaten by a man. I have never seen my children struggle with alcoholism or drug addiction. I have never had my best friend kill themselves. I have never seen such poverty that I didn’t see a way out. I always have access to healthy food. So, I come from a very different world view than some of my brothers and sisters that were raised on reservations and in poverty. The majority of Natives now, actually a good portion of them, are urban. So they may not have that same worldview, but there is a certain genetic, historical trauma that gets passed down from generation to generation.

“This is the first time we have come together as a people. So when we come to a place here and we are offering advice on wellbeing, people are really sensitive about coming in and saying, ‘you should do this, you should stop eating sugar, you should stop doing this….’

“It is so important to have supporters from all nations and walks of life. As Indigenous people we are coming together for the first time united to protect the earth and water. ”


October 13, 2016 | Elder Woman Zip-tied

This elder woman was zip-tied instead of handcuffed, and her sacred pipe was deliberately broken.

This is abuse of power.

We are still here.



October 12, 2016 | Essential Defender, Thieves Oil Recipe

This is the first time I have been able to get Internet since I got here nine days ago as I have been too busy setting up to leave the camp. My last post was for yesterday’s action.

It is very cold here. I don’t think anyone who is not here knows how hard it is to get out of a warm bed into a cold tent or tipi and go Stand for the Water. I am so proud of everyone in my camp who went. I don’t go to actions, as it is too hard for me to walk. So everyone can stop worrying about me. I am not getting arrested. Just cold.

Working on getting all the tipis up, stoves in, canopies winterized. Lots of respiratory illness. I caught a cold too, but am on the mend.

Going through lots of Essential Defender, my brand of Thieves Oil. You can find the recipe to make it and where to send it at Eagletree Herbs.

We are Zaniyan Wellness at Sicangu or Rosebud Camp. It is quieter here, fewer people, but less help too, so still setting up, as I am helping with general medical as well as herbal. If you are in camp come see us.

If you are sending stuff, we need reusable water bottles, travel mugs, tea balls and strainers, rugs, ropes, and tarps.

I am overwhelmed by the support from all the people sending such needed resources.

Every day I am meeting Indigenous people from all over and learning so much.



October 11, 2016 | Leah Tamara, Call to Action

This morning while still dark, the call to action came for all Water Protectors and Land Defenders to come to the front lines.

I stayed in camp, while the rest of our crew got up in the cold to risk arrest and possibly their lives.

Leah Tamara took these photos. Local authorities blocked roads unnecessarily, closed schools early. Local papers called it a riot.

Peaceful protests, some handcuffed themselves to a set of tipi poles.

Cops in riot gear, people praying.

We will not give up. More people coming every day!


October 7, 2016 | Volunteers helping complete Zaniyan Wellness

We are almost all set up now at the Zaniyan Wellness space at Sicangu/Rosebud camp. It has taken a while due to extreme winds, and it is very cold.

Leah Tamara had one of the canopies set up with the tea station when I got here. We had to integrate the communication center and stabilize and warm it.

The front line midwife group had set up a canopy and left a lot of supplies.

Dr. Erica Rotondo spent the last few days organizing the supplies, with help from Lianna Constatino from the Cherokee Healing and Wellness Center.

Along with Sarah Charlesworth, my Eugene friend, I borrowed items from the kitchen, so we now have the first aid station set up, treatment areas for privacy, and are still working on setting up the solar power for electric and getting heat and stability to the canopies.

Some wonderful helpers have appeared: Erika Tilley who will be working as an herbalist, Gabrielle, Kevin and Mary from Deadwood are helping with the camp along with Dillon Lovelove and Joseph Xan.

The Water Protectors are dealing with the elements and politics.

All I have time for is herbs and getting the camp ready for winter.

No Internet this side of the river, quieter, traditional.

Thank you donors & supporters for everything.

Lots of negative stories going around but from the ground here, all I am seeing is committed people working hard to protect the Water.




October 2, 2016 | Nomadics Tipis

On the road, stopped at Nomadics Tipis to pick up three more tipis. On this run are Dillon Lovelove, Joseph Xan, Rising Manulani, and myself. Driving straight through, hoping to be there late tomorrow.

I feel like I am going home. But colder.



October 1, 2016 | Tipis and Buffalo Hides and So Much More

The big truck is arriving at Standing Rock anytime today, driven by Erika Kightlinger. On it are five tipis, three sets of poles, four solar panels, four wood stoves, and a 30-foot Pacific Dome, a lot of other needed gear, herbal medicine, with travel paid for by EarthWin and many other donors and organizations.

I will be packing another U-Haul tomorrow with a stove donated by InStoves that is a sustainable wood stove with an autoclave for sterilizing medical instruments, more wood stoves, another tipi donated by Bug Gi, and leaving Sunday morning stopping at Nomadics Tipis for another five tipis.

A donated buffalo hide for the medicine lodge. Lots of reusable coffee mugs, stoves, wool blankets. Will post more pictures tomorrow or Sunday.

Twelve total tipis!! Some donated, some just being delivered, but it is amazing. Thank you everyone for your support, it is humbling to see how everyone has pulled together to support the water.

#waterislife #nodapl


October 1, 2016 | Ugly Propaganda for Pro-DAPL

I want to say a few words about some propaganda pieces that are going around:

1) The guy who writes the “say anything” blog will literally say anything. He is a well-known local idiot. He’s like a love child between Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, only he is one of the biggest earth-destroying fossil fuel lovers that I have ever witnessed. In my opinion, he’d have sex with a gas pump if he could and he is constantly pulling for big oil; it seems as though they must pay his salary. Further, his writing sucks…but that might be because he is attempting to reach an audience with a third grade or lower reading level. Please do not take him seriously. The “PRO-DAPL” site is just that…pro-pipeline propaganda. It is written for a third grade reading level and does not contain any real information, data, facts, names, or interviews…not even a quote with attribution. It is complete fairy tale.

2) No matter what Morton County, the State of North Dakota, blog writers, pipeline propagandists, and oil companies come up with, they can never actually provide a SINGLE BIT OF PROOF to back up their constant claims of violence, weapons, and lawlessness on the part of our peaceful Water Protectors. Did you notice that none of the photos from the “weapons” article were actually taken IN CAMP…except for one…and if you look closely, that gentleman (a former marine) is holding A FREAKING STICK! A STICK!! Do we have gun owners in camp? Yeah! We are hunters, after all! However, no Protectors are allowed to have their firearms in camp and they certainly would never take weapons to one of the direct actions. These writers are grasping SO DESPERATELY for anything negative, that they are pointing out (in the “weapons” blog post) a motorcycle or welding helmet in the back of a pickup truck as … and I am completely serious here … as proof of potential violence on the part of Water Protectors.

3) The blogs posts and the PRO-DAPL site both consist of lies, manipulation, and obvious propaganda. We ask you to use your critical thinking skills…think for yourself…or better yet, COME SEE US. Come visit and see for yourself.

The blog author, the cops, the oil companies and many other entities have sent UNDERCOVER AGENTS to the Sacred Stone Camps, and still not a single shred of actual proof of violence, weapons, or unlawful activity exists.

If we are threatening local people or destroying property, where are the police reports? Where is the proof that we are doing these things or perpetuating any type of violence? Why hasn’t anyone been arrested or even named for these incidents?

Thus far we have had many people – almost 100 – arrested for PEACEFULLY PROTECTING water, sacred sites, treaty rights, and traditional lands. Some of these folks were arrested on PUBLIC PROPERTY. We are not the violent ones.

The photos speak for themselves. We show up in prayer, and they show up with dogs, pepper spray, armored military-style trucks, semi-automatic weapons locked and loaded, and even crop-dusting planes that release unknown chemicals over the heads of peaceful men, women, and children.


#NoDAPL #StandWithStandingRock #ResistGenocide…/another-21-peaceful-noda…/…/social-media-photos-colle……/

October 1, 2016 | Many thanks to all, and for InStove Rocket Stove

Getting mostly packed to leave in the morning, so many people to thank, so little time.

Some highlights (sorry for those missed):

Fred Cogan with InStove (pictured) with the wood-fired rocket stove that can sterilize instruments; WellFuture with donated children’s vitamins and probiotics; Cafe Mam with 50 pounds of organic coffee for the main kitchen; Dusty Dmitri Bloomingheart for loads of stuff for both trips, this time returnable mugs and water bottles; Joanne Holland for the buffalo hide; Brad Mowreader with a wood stove and wool blankets; Laurel Caccivio and Katrina Mangiafico with a wood stove and wool blankets; Clare Strawn with a canopy, tools, axes, and lots of other stuff; Nomadics Tipis with a tipi and so much help.

The 78 people who donated cash to my gofundme account which made this all possible and is used to buy things that otherwise would fall through the cracks. All the people who mailed stuff.

Here is what I have learned lately. People are good. Really good. Yep, still evil in the world, like the corporate mother rapers, but I am filled with hope, because with this much love, we can’t lose. Love and Service always win over hate and greed.

While my focus is care for people in the camps, we need to keep our attention on the cause, as protecting the water in Standing Rock is just the beginning.

Stay on top of the politics people; I will keep on the herbs.


