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Zaniyan sponsors educational workshops that promote health and wellness, permaculture, self sufficiency, herbal medicine, midwifery,  and emergency preparedness.

Check back on this page for 2025 educational offerings.

Past Workshops and Conferences:


August 8, 2024 Lost Valley Holistic Sustainability Seminar
Healing Our Relationship With the Plant People
Integrative Medicine Clinics at Standing Rock Protests

Sunday, May 5, 2024, Zaniyan Spring Fundraiser

1-2 pm Herbs for the Zombie Apocalypse
With a focus on growing and making herbal products to have on hand for a variety of unexpected emergencies. Also discussed will be which permaculture plants to grow to increase your self-reliance if there are breakdowns in accessing usual resources. Herbs for emergencies like smoke from wildfires, trauma and stress, first aid, and disorders seen in these circumstances.

Daphne Singingtree is an author, plant and midwifery educator, and water protector. Her debut speculative fiction book, Circle for the Earth, is due out June 2024.

2-3 pm Trash or treasure? Weeds you can eat

Amble through the garden, reassessing everything you thought you knew about weeds. Trusty, sturdy, and indestructible power packs of delicious nutrition: weeds will always be there, even when mass-produced soy and corn fail us. Identification and cooking/preparation tips from botanist and wild food nerd extraordinaire Heron Brae.

Heron Brae is a rogue botanist, herbalist, community restoration practitioner, Indigenous solidarity activist, and educator. She currently offers custom wild plant-related classes and consulting, as well as coaching decolonizing initiatives, as a part of Live Oak Consulting. Regularly seen crying by rivers and dancing in mountain meadows, she hopes that sharing plant knowledge will aid in shifting worldviews, reconnecting with roots, and creating a habitable future for all.

3-4 pm Tending Culture through Food Forests

Learn about permaculture food forests as we examine one in progress on Shirley Street. Discussing considerations in design and planting strategies. How plants interact and how to keep a food forest healthy.

Khyla Allis lives and teaches in the intentional community at Lost Valley Education Center, where she received her Permaculture Design and Ecovillage Design Education certifications. As the Garden Coordinator at Lost Valley, she teaches tree pruning, worms, soil science, compost, farm-to-table, preservation, and edible mushrooms in your garden.


Saturday, June 5th 1-4pm Food As Medicine How food promotes wellness and healing. Foods that boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and address specific health issues. Relationship between unhealthy weight gain and trauma. What is Food Sovereignty and how it applies to both tribal and urban communities.  Benefits of Growing Food Combats to combat Inequities in the Food System. Simple ways to promote food self-reliance. Pitfalls of unhealthy eating and ways to promote slow foods in daily life. Relationship between unhealthy weight gain and trauma.

Saturday, June 26, 1-4pm Making Herbal Products Advantages of Making Your Own Herbal Medicine & Body Care Products, General Guidelines in Medicinal Plants & Herbal Medicine, Harvesting, Drying, and Storing Herbs Definitions and how to make: Infusions, Cold Extracts, Decoctions, Tinctures – Alcohol, Glycerin, Vinegar, Syrups & Elixirs, Infused Oils, Salves & Balms, Lotions & Creams, Aromatherapy Misters, Compresses & Poultices, Honeys & Electuary, Other Herbal Products

Saturday, July 18, 1-4pm Herbs for Emergency Preparedness With a focus on growing and making herbal products to have on hand for a variety of unexpected emergencies. Also discussed will be which plants to grow to increase your self-reliance if there are breakdowns in accessing usual resources. Herbs for emergency situations like smoke from wildfires, trauma and stress, first aid, and disorders seen in these circumstances.

Saturday, August 15th, 1–4 p.m. Growing a Business – Outline of what is needed to create your own home business from things you grow. Examples from Eagletree Herbs of things to do and not do. Accessing business help and resources. Marketing and social media.


September 28 – Growing Resilience:  Permaculture for Emergency Preparedness 
NW Permaculture Convergence at Lost Valley Education Center

September 28  – Growing a Business, – Daphne Singingtree
NW Permaculture Convergence at Lost Valley Education Center

Oct 21  Native Perspectives on Plants – Daphne Singingtree
Lost Valley Holistic Sustainability Semester. at Lost Valley Education Center

Nov 16  – 1 to 5pm Making Herbal Holiday Gifts – Daphne Singingtree
Eagletree Herbs Make fun holiday gifts with herbs. Review of how to make herbal products, including tinctures, salves, lotions, and syrups. Hands-on making of bath and facial products, massage melts, and aromatherapy misters.


Decolonizing Natural Medicine: Increasing Access to Holistic Health for All